Friday, 19 February 2010

Cloud 9

I have been told today that I have won the Flame Off Artist competition, and will be demonstrating on Friday, 16th April, at this year's Flame Off in Towcester. And whilst the thought of being on the same list as Sharon Peters, Diana East, Teresa LaLiberte and Lorna Prime fills me with absolute terror.........I'm rather excited!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Getting there!

I'm slowly catching up! I've been having a number of fun commissions recently, which I'll hopefully be able to share soon - the personal kind, where you tailor a piece exactly to the recipient. I love those kinds of commissions! I just made another batch of butterflies, and since they seem to be flying out of the shop, I think it can safely be assumed that spring is on the way. More soon!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

57 Channels and nothing on

...sings Master Springsteen. For me, read: so many toys and no time to play! I have until the end of the week to write four tutorials and complete a few commissions...not to forget a meeting tomorrow night, and two evenings 'toddler duty' when hubby is out. Did I forget to mention work during the day?

On the other hand, I received no less than four toys today, and, I'm sorry, they demand to be played with! If I'm a really good girl, maybe I'm allowed to play with them this week-end? Pretty, please?